UFO Rleated Organizations

An Incomplete List

Note: This is a list of UFO Related Organizations that I've been able to collect. If you have any to add, please let me know. With each entry, I've try to list everything I know about the organization. Any mistakes or omissions are purely my own. -- Jeremy

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)

One of the oldest and largest organized UFO groups, MUFON has members in every state who actively collect information and investigate claims of UFO sightings, contact, etc.

MUFON publishes a journal/newsletter for all their members.

You may contact MUFON at the following address:

Mutual UFO Network
103 Oldtowne Road
Seguin, TX 78155

Operation Right to Know

ORTK is an organization whose goal is to collect and free information from various sources. They are actively working to obtain information which the U.S. Government has collected and hidden about UFOs.

ORTK publishes a quarterly newletter called the Right to Know Forum.

You may contact ORTK at the following address:

Operation Right to Know
P.O. Box 3173
Gaithersburg, MD 20885

Center for UFO Studies

The J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) is an organization similar to MUFON, but smaller. Famous UFO researcher and author J. Allen Hynek has been doing research in the UFO field for over 20 years now.

Can someone please provie me with some more information on CUFOS?

You may contact CUFOS at the following address:

J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies
2457 West Peterson Ave
Chicago, IL 60659


Jeremy D. Zawodny / Bowling Green State University

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